Exhibit | Sponsorship Information
Why Exhibit?
Meet Executive Decision Makers
Meet buyers who spend more than $200,000 annually on cleaning operations, products and equipment.
Who Should Exhibit?
Clean Buildings Conference is designed for suppliers who want to build demand and generate sales from the organizations and building service contractors who will use their products and equipment on a daily basis.
This includes suppliers of:
Exhibitor Resources
The Exhibitor Resource section is your one stop shop for all of the forms, information and links you need to prepare for CBC 2025. We recommend you visit this section often as new forms and information are added frequently.
Link to come
Exhibitor Toolkit
It's easy to let your prospects and customers know that you'll be at Clean Buildings Conference. We've created a promotional toolkit with customized marketing materials you can use to promote your participating at Clean Buildings Conference. It includes banner graphics, a ready‐to‐send HTML email and social media sharing tools.
Email Invitation
Invite your customers and prospects to the show at the PRO level for free. You can either utilize the Feathr tools sent to you from Todd.Fabos@tradepress.com OR when you login to the exhibitor portal, click the "invite a customer" tab and follow prompts.
CBC / NFMT Mobile App
Watch for an email from nfmtcbc25@event-emails.com on 2/18/25, containing an invitation to set up your company profile in the NFMT / CBC event app. Customize your listing by adding your company bio, social media handles, upload documents, and more. Please update your profile by 2/28/25.
Contact Us
Exhibit Sponsorship and Sales
Debbie Hanamann
National Sales Manager
Companies A-B, H, V (plus numeric)
414-228-7701 Ext. 306
Ashley Clark
Director of Event Sales
N-U, W-Z
414-228-7701 Ext. 305
Laurie Vega
Facilities and Commercial
Cleaning Group Publisher
C-G, I-M
Direct: 414.368.6885
Operations, Move-in/Move-out, Contractors,
Rules & Regulations
Danny Rosenstock
Kristen Haley
Accounting Payment and Invoices
Vanessa Morales
414-228-7701 ext 495
Attendees & Speakers
General Questions
Wendy Dietzler
Senior Director, Events & Education
414.228.7701 ext. 458
Registration and Speaker Questions
Danielle Goepel
Senior Event Coordinator
414-228-7701 ext 459